The Story Begins...

In the land far-far away, beyond the reaches of biggest clouds and the wide expanses of horizons, lies a land of parkadiya.  To enter, you need to have an outpost with 80 phone tool icons

The enemy

This area is 100% editable and you can use it to say whatever you wish to your website visitors. All the images are fully editable so you can add your own to customize each page. This area is 100% editable and you can use it to say whatever you wish to your website visitors. All the images are fully editable so you can add your own to customize each page.

the heroes

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Dufnall Thorvidrson

Knut Hrappson

Ospakr Ymirson

Power - 110
Magic - 80
Weapon - 100
Dexterity - 15
Power - 70
Magic - 220
Weapon - 900
Dexterity - 35
Power - 220
Magic - 10
Weapon - 200
Dexterity - 15

Setting the Scene

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Remember to keep your wording friendly, approachable and easy to understand…as if you were talking to your customers.

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This area is 100% editable and you can use it to say whatever you wish to your website visitors. All the images are fully editable so you can add your own to customize each page.
Remember to keep your wording friendly, approachable and easy to understand…as if you were talking to your customers.

You can edit text on your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box a settings menu will appear. Selecting ‘Edit Text’ from this menu will also allow you to edit the text within this text box.
This area is 100% editable and you can use it to say whatever you wish to your website visitors. All the images are fully editable so you can add your own to customize each page.
Remember to keep your wording friendly, approachable and easy to understand…as if you were talking to your customers.

You can edit text on your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box a settings menu will appear. Selecting ‘Edit Text’ from this menu will also allow you to edit the text within this text box.